Electronic Devices & Circuits - Electronic Engineering (MCQ) Questions & Answers (Part 2)

8)   What would happen if 180° phase shifted signal between input voltage (Vi) and drain-to-source voltage (VGS) will be passed through the output coupling capacitor during the operation of MOSFET as an amplifier?

a. DC value will be reduced to unity
b. DC value will be reduced to zero
c. DC value will be reduced to infinity
d. None of the above

9)   Which among the below stated consequences occur in the negative half-cycle during the operation of MOSFET as an amplifier?

a. Variation in VGS sinusoidally below VGSQ
b. Variation in ID sinusoidally below IDQ
c. Variation in voltage drop IDRD below its Q-point value
d. All of the above

10)   The output signal generated corresponding to the magnified input signal by a linear amplifier is _________

A. Larger in size
B. Smaller in size
C. Similar in shape as that of input signal
D. Different in shape as that of input signal

a. A & C
b. B & D
c. B & C
d. A & D

11)   Subthreshold current is basically a drain current that flows only when __________

a. VGS is slightly greater than VT
b. VGS is slightly less than VT
c. VGS is exactly equal to VT
d. None of the above

12)   Which type of breakdown can be prevented by adopting a reverse-biased gate protecting diode on input side of MOSFET?

a. Avalanche breakdown
b. Punch through breakdown
c. Snapback breakdown
d. Static Charge Breakdown

13)   Near-avalanche breakdown in MOSFET is an ultimate outcome of _________

a. First order effects
b. Second order effects
c. Third order effects
d. None of the above

14)   Which type of breakdown effect gets enhanced due to parasitic BJT action along with increase in drain current solely by the reduction in size of MOSFET?

a. Near-avalanche breakdown
b. Snapback breakdown
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

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