Need more space on C partition?

Running low on disk space on c:\ drive?

Need more space on C partition?
Here you can find more ways to clean files or to make more space on C partition
When you install you system operation on your computer is important to manage your hard disk very well, to avoid problems with space on partition C (system partition).

For more space on partition you can try for first time to clean up files you don’t need in 5 steps:
1 – Go to Start button

2 – There you will find a spot to Search files or programs from computer

3 – In the spot you need to write “RUN” and press Enter
4 – In empty spot you need to write ”%temp%” and press Enter.

5 – After that “Temp” folder open and you can delete files from there, also you can try to go to My Computer> Click right on C partition> Go to Proprieties and click > Click on Disk Cleanup button
When Disk Cleanup for (C:) open you click OK.

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